The Clown and the High Wire Man
The words of the song are based on a story from the 1940’s. It tells of the doomed love affair between two circus performers. The Clown and The High Wire Man. In the 40’s same sex relationships were illegal and outside of normal society and many who found themselves in this situation ended up taking their lives. And so it is here. The two make a pact and at the end of the evening’s performance meet for one last time. In the audience a young man unsure of his future finds that the girl he loves also loves him and his world is also changed forever.
This is another idea found at the back of a cupboard on one of my hard drives. The music is written by Ehren Starks a Magnatune artist.
This is another idea found at the back of a cupboard on one of my hard drives. The music is written by Ehren Starks a Magnatune artist.